Monday, March 28, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 8 - Kill the Gays!

*Continued from Yesterday*

Gays and the Christian Community

Jerry Falwell:

"[T]hese perverted homosexuals…absolutely hate everything that you and I and most decent, God-fearing citizens stand for…Make no mistake. These deviants seek no less than total control and influence in society, politics, our schools and in our exercise of free speech and religious freedom….If we do not act now, homosexuals will own America!" 1999

Lou Sheldon, founder of the Traditional Values Coalition:

“Our little children are being targeted by the homosexuals and liberals who are pushing for this legislation," wrote Sheldon. "They want our preschool children…. They want our kindergarten children….They want our grade school children….They want our middle school and high school children….To be brainwashed to think that homosexuality is the moral equivalent of heterosexuality. We can't let that happen."

Dr. James Kennedy, Senior Minister of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and the president of Coral Ridge Ministries, calls for a constitutional "Firewall" to protect the nation from counterfeit marriage.

From the Baptist Press:

"I see this becoming probably the largest domestic issue that will be addressed in this election cycle -- if the economy continues to improve," Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told Baptist Press. Conservatives are pushing for a constitutional amendment protecting the traditional definition of marriage, and one such effort -- the Federal Marriage Amendment -- already has some 100 cosponsors in the House of Representatives. If passed, it would trump the Massachusetts ruling as well as any other such ruling by a court. To become law it would require passage by two-thirds of the House and Senate and three-quarters of the states.”

From Donald Wildmon of the American Family Association:

“The sacred institution of marriage is under attack. There are those who want to redefine marriage to include two men, or two women, or a group of any size or mix of sexes: One man and four women, one woman and two men, etc. If they fail to secure legal protection classifying these arrangements as 'marriage,' they want to include all these mixtures under the definition of 'civil union,' giving them identical standing with the marriage of one man and one woman.

They have gained the support of the national media and many politicians. Their efforts are intended to force, by law, 97% of Americans to bow down to the desires of the approximately 3% who are homosexuals.”

From the Concerned Women for America's Janet LaRue:

"These are the court jesters of the century. The Massachusetts Legislature should summon the moral courage to impeach the majority for their abuse of power and distortion of the state constitution."

President of Family Research Council, Tony Perkins:

"This is THE wake-up call for both the American public and our elected officials. If we do not amend the Massachusetts State Constitution so that it explicitly protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and if we do not amend the U.S. Constitution with a federal marriage amendment that will protect marriage on the federal level, we will lose marriage in this nation."

Anti-Gay Politics and the Religious Right

Sen. Trent Lott has equated gays with alcoholics and kleptomaniacs, but it has long been a central tenet of True Christian Right groups that homosexuals are diseased, and can be cured with a combination of religious indoctrination and psychological counseling. Reparative therapy as practiced by a variety of ex-gay ministries includes a large dose of gender stereotyping: men are encouraged to play football or learn auto mechanics, women to wear dresses and makeup. John Paulk and his wife Anne are the current "poster children" of the "ex-gay" movement, appearing on the cover of Newsweek; in 1993 John Paulk told the Wall Street Journal that "To say that we've arrived at this place of total heterosexuality - that we're totally healed - is misleading."

Politically, Religious Right groups use the disease or addiction model to assert that civil rights protections should not be afforded to gays and lesbians. According to this "logic," public policy that treats gays with equality and dignity actually inhibits individuals from seeking to be "cured." In Maine earlier this year, "ex-gays" were featured in one of the television commercials run by Religious Right groups during the successful campaign to overturn a statewide anti-discrimination law.

The recent ads also attempt to equate homosexuality with AIDS and other diseases; one of the recent ads was titled, "From Innocence to AIDS," cleverly alluding to Religious Right myths about gay recruitment of children and promoting Religious Right efforts to portray homosexuality as a "death-style." Typical of such rhetoric was a recent Chuck Colson article about Billy, a doll being marketed in the gay community. Colson suggested that all Billy dolls should come with a plastic coffin, asserting that most gays are "men whose lives are tragically marked by disease, addition, misery, and early death."

Misrepresenting ideology as science is a favored tactic. Paul Cameron is a virulently anti-gay "researcher" whose methods led to his being ousted from the American Psychological Association. Although Cameron has been thoroughly discredited, his "research" continues to be a favored source of ammunition for the Religious Right. William Bennett, Chuck Colson, and others continue to repeat Cameron's conclusion that the life expectancy for gay men is 43 years, a statistic based on his reading of obituaries in gay newspapers. (Cameron's statistic was effectively demolished in online magazine Slate) Bennett's trumpeting of this statistic last year on ABC's This Week and in the Weekly Standard was picked up by National Review and continues to circulate as the kind of "truth" that the Religious Right wants to tell America.

The Death Penalty for Homosexuality

Among those of us who embrace "reconstructionism," which advocates imposing a radically fundamentalist interpretation of "Biblical law" onto American society are many outspoken advocates of the Christian America concept. On the September 4, 1998 Armstrong Williams talk show, Colorado talk-radio personality Bob Enyard called for the death penalty for gays and adulterers. Last year, a Christian radio talk-show host in Costa Mesa, California said, "Lesbian love, sodomy are viewed by God as being detestable and abominable. Civil magistrates are to put people to death who practice these things." The announcer urged listeners to contact legislators and ask that they enact capital punishment for homosexuality. The station manager called the program "an honest dialogue concerning Christian beliefs." Congressional candidate Randall Terry, former head of Operation Rescue, extends this view of "Biblical law" to include a removal of all homosexuals from positions of influence in American society with especial reference to the American education system at all levels. This even extends to suspected perverts as well as brazen practitioners of perversions

In addition, the battle cry against "special rights" was the centerpiece of opposition to a federal anti-discrimination bill, the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA), which was defeated by one vote in the U.S. Senate in 1996. More recently "no special rights" was the core message of the Religious Right's campaign to overturn President Clinton's executive order banning discrimination against gays in the federal workplace. Carmen Pate of Concerned Women for America said the executive order was "not about equality under the law, but about special privileges." In the last instance, the rhetoric was so plainly and patently untrue that a sufficient number of Republican members of Congress voted in favor of equality on the job and the executive order was allowed to stand.

Our Church has launched many attacks on corporations that offer domestic partner benefits and make it very clear that our leaders' anti-gay ideology will not permit any special treatment or recognition of their gay employees. A few years ago, American Airlines was attacked for its gay-acceptance policy in hiring and for its support of gay community organizations. A host of Religious Right leaders, including D. James Kennedy, Gary Bauer, James Dobson (Focus on the Family), Beverly LaHaye (Concerned Women for America), Don Wildmon (American Family Association), and Richard Land (Southern Baptists) signed an open letter, printed as a newspaper ad, attacking American Airlines. American Airlines officials met with Christian Community leaders but rejected demands that they discontinue marketing to the gay community. This is a battle to which we will certainly return and we now plan to extend our efforts to other large American corporations. We are planning to promulgate a nation-wide boycott against any such corporation that either hires homosexuals or supports the so called “Special Interest” programs cleverly designed to introduce gays into normal society by making them acceptable to the gullible and uninformed.

Read More - : God's Control of America

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 7 - Expanding Israel

*Continued from Yesterday*

An Expanded Israel

Certain events have to occur for Falwell's version of prophecy to be fulfilled. As quoted by a fellow Christian pilgrim in Prophecy and Politics, a book by Grace Halsell who participated in two Falwell-led pilgrimages to Israel in 1983 and 1985,

"The Jews must own all of the land promised by God before Christ can return. The Arabs have to leave this land because this land belongs only to the Jews. God gave all of this land to the Jews." (p.87)

Ed MacAteer, one of the founders of the Moral Majority has spoken of his beliefs.

"I believe that we are seeing prophecy unfold so rapidly and dramatically and wonderfully and, without exaggerating, makes me breathless. Every grain of sand between the Dead Sea, the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea belongs to the Jew. every bit of it."

The Fate of the Jews

The Reverend Tim LaHaye describes the fate of the Jews in the book Left Behind.

"The final battle in the history of the future will be fought on this ancient battleground in Northern Israel called Armageddon. And the Jews? Well two-thirds of them will be wiped out by now and the survivors will accept Jesus at last."

Settlements in West Bank and Gaza: Key to Fulfilling Prophecy

Falwell made his first trip to Israel in 1978 with an invitation from Prime Minister Menachim Begin. This began a strong relationship between the Likud Party, the hawkish party of Israel, and the Religious Right in the United States. Falwell has led many groups of Christian Zionists on pilgrimages to Israel, and the Religious Right has been subsidizing settlements ever since.

A Colorado-based group called Christian Friends of Israeli Communities - communities translates as settlements in the West Bank and Gaza - runs an adopt-a-settlement program. According to the director of its Jerusalem office, one-third of the 145 settlements receive funds from Christians.

The late Grace Halsell's book, Prophecy and Politics, is no longer in print, but can be found in some libraries. It was published in 1986 by Lawrence Hill and Co. Halsell was an author and journalist who worked in the Johnson White House. She grew up in rural Texas in a fervently fundamentalist Christian culture. Halsell attended two pilgrimages organized by the Reverend Jerry Falwell -- one in 1983 attended by 630 pilgrims, and a second in 1985 attended by 850 pilgrims. She also attended the First Christian Zionist Congress in 1985. One resolution at that Congress called for all Jews living outside Israel to move to Israel.

The Christians also urged Israel to annex that portion of occupied Palestine called the West Bank, with its near one million Palestinian inhabitants. An Israeli Jew, seated in the audience, rose to suggest that perhaps the language might be modified. He pointed out that an Israeli poll showed that one-third of the Israelis would be willing to trade territory seized in 1967 for peace with the Palestinians.

"We don't care what the Israelis vote!" declared van der Hoeven [spokesman for the International Christian Embassy]. We care what God says! And God gave that land to the Jews!" After his impassioned outburst, the Christians by a nearly unanimous show of hands passed the resolution. (p.133)

Halsell interviewed Charles Fischbein, executive director of the Jewish National Fund, who described his work with the American Christian Trust headed by Mrs. Bobi Hromas, wife of a top official with a West Coast defense contractor:

"The trust enjoys 501(c)(3) status and receives funds from private individuals, estates and large evangelical-fundamentalist organizations... The Trust in turn gives this money to Israel, expressly for Jewish settlements in the West Bank... Mrs Hromas told me the Trust planned to raise a hundred million dollars to purchase land for Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the present target area being in the Palestinian town of Hebron... This I was told would help fulfill biblical prophesy. (p,170-171)

House Majority leader, Tom DeLay, is a strong supporter of Israeli expansion as fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy. When President Bush began to propose a road map for peace in the Middle East that would lead to a two-state solution, DeLay was speaking to members of the Israeli Parliament saying, "Israel is not the problem. Israel is the solution." (Meaning the settlements are not the problem. They are the solution.)

*Continued Tomorrow ...*

Read More - : God's Control of America

Saturday, March 26, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 6 - Conversion of Muslims by Force

*Continued from Earlier*

The Conversion of the Muslims to Christianity.

With the active and even enthusiastic support of our President, Christians are now aiming at a great conversion of the Muslim population of Iraq. Once closed to our workers, now, Iraq lies at our feet and because we will be protected by the armed might of the United States, we can do the Lord’s work in safety.

Franklin Graham, founder of Samaritan's Purse said in an interview with,

“I believe as we work, God will always give us opportunities to tell others about his Son….We are there to reach out to love them and to save them, and as a Christian I do this in the name of Jesus Christ.”

About the International Mission Board, the missionary arm of the Southern Baptists:

Organizing in secrecy, and emphasizing their humanitarian aid work, Christian groups are pouring into conquered Iraq , which is 97 per cent Muslim, bearing Arabic Bibles, videos and religious tracts designed to "save" Muslims from their "false" religion. The International Mission Board, the missionary arm of the Southern Baptists, is one of those leading the charge. John Brady, the IMB's head for the Middle East and North Africa, this month appealed to the 16 million members of his church, the largest Protestant denomination in America. "Southern Baptists have prayed for years that Iraq would somehow be opened to the gospel," his appeal began. That "open door" for Christians may soon close. "Southern Baptists must understand that there is a war for souls under way in Iraq," his bulletin added, listing Islamic leaders and "pseudo-Christian" groups also flooding Iraq as his chief rivals.

Although proselytizing is usually forbidden, most countries in the region are eager to have Western religious groups running hospitals and clinics, and working on economic development and education. Some long-established missionary groups in the Middle East have come to terms with this by focusing their work on serving the social needs of the local population, and hoping that they might draw Muslims to Christianity more indirectly, through example.

But other missionaries, including many evangelicals, say it is part of their faith as Christians to try to spread the gospel.

Sometimes, these efforts have led to friction not only with Muslims, but also with other Christian missionary groups, which fear that such efforts put them in danger and their work in jeopardy.

We view with anticipation the projected “Americanization” of the Middle East. Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries are slated for our “American Freedom” projects and if we are successful in Christianizing Iraq, soon enough we will have even wider horizons in which to plant the seeds of Christianity throughout an area that by rights is a Christian domain.

*Continued Tomorrow ...*

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The New Christian Manifesto - Part 5 - Roe V. Wade / Gun Control

*Continued from Yesterday*

Roe V. Wade

In order to eliminate this gross aberration, the Bush Administration has named a fetus a human being, thus flouting Roe v. Wade and the authority of the courts.

Just twenty-two days after taking office, Bush re-imposed restrictions known as the "Global Gag Rule." This policy restricts foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive U.S. family planning funds from using their own, non-U.S. funds to provide legal abortion services, lobby their own governments for abortion law reform, or even provide accurate medical counseling or referrals regarding abortion.

Bush has chosen pro-Christian and anti-choice extremists for key positions such as Attorney General and Secretary of Health and Human Services. His administration has named a fetus a 'human being' preparing the way to argue that abortion is murder. And Bush's nominees to the federal courts are consistently anti-choice

Gun Control

The Christian Right absolutely opposes any form of gun control. The House of Representatives, now dominated by the Religious Right, passed a bill that immunizes gun makers and sellers from liability. On March 2, 2004, because of the actions of organized secular humanists, the Senate rejected the bill.

The ten-year ban on assault weapons expires in September, 2004. The House Majority Leader, Tom DeLay, who decides what bills will and won't come up for a vote, has announced that a vote to continue the ban on assault weapons will not come up for a vote, so Tom DeLay will have decided that assault weapons will become available once again.

President Bush opposes ballistics finger printing, "because it would interfere with a gun owner's privacy."

*Continued Later Today ...*

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Friday, March 25, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 4 - Council on National Policy

*Continued from Yesterday*

The Council on National Policy:

The Council for National Policy, which was co-founded by former Moral Majority head LaHaye, has included: John Ashcroft, Ed Meese, Ralph Reed, the editor of The National Review, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Grover Norquist and Oliver North.

The CNP has rendered yeoman service in assisting Christian conservatives take control of the Republican state party organizations in Southern and Midwestern states. It has assisted in spreading the word about the infamous 'Clinton Chronicles' videotapes that linked the president to a host of crimes in Arkansas, and was a determinant factor in bringing about the impeachment of Clinton.

The CNP, after much soul-searching, determined on George W. Bush as their candidate for President as early as 1999.

Speaking before the CNP, George Bush promised to appoint only anti-abortion-rights judges to the Supreme Court, or he stuck to his campaign 'strict constructionist' phrase and took a very firm stand against the proliferation of homosexuals and lesbians. The President, through the guidance of the CNP is fully supporting an amendment that can effectively severely limit public access to birth control, abortion, and any form of non-procreative sex.

Critics exist but we will silence them

The Republican National Committee is now very effectively securing the support of the Federal Election Commission to issue new rules that will effectively silence deviant groups that have dared to communicate with the public in ways critical of President Bush or Conservative and Christian members of Congress. Happily, these labors in the vineyard of the Lord are bearing fruit. Under the President’s firm guidance, the FEC has just proposed rules that would do exactly that. Any kind of non-profit -- conservative, progressive, labor, religious, secular, social service, charitable, educational, civic participation, issue-oriented, large, and small -- will be affected by these rules. No longer will secular humanists, so-called liberals, sexual perverts and non-Christians be able to confuse, obfuscate and confound our President and our Christian legislators in the prosecution of the establishment of a truly Christian Nation, under God.

On March 4, 2004, the FEC voted 5-1 to consider new rules that would have the effect of redefining many nonprofit groups as political committees, thereby forcing these groups to meet vastly more stringent financial and reporting requirements or to forego many of the advocacy and civic engagement activities at the core of their missions. By merely expressing an opinion about an officeholder's policies a nonprofit group could turn overnight into a federally regulated political committee with crippling fund-raising restrictions. Then these divisive voices will fall silent and we need to hear their lies and obfuscations no longer.

Under the leadership of President Bush and a Republican and increasingly Christianized Congress, we are more than pleased to see that faith-based organizations will have new access to tax funds in excess of $40 billion dollars.

But note that in spite of the Administration’s efforts, the Senate wrongfully has refused to overturn decades of anti-discrimination laws that prevent federal funds to go to charities that that discriminate in hiring. In defiance of the Senate bill passed in 2003, the President has been disbursing funds to charities that openly proselytize for the Christian Cause and are firm in policies of not hiring gays, illegal aliens, Jews, Muslims or other alien groups.

The White House firmly by-passed Congress's legislative functions in the year 2002. At the President’s direction, the Department of Health and Human Resources set up a Compassion Capital fund of $30 million that allocated funds released by Congress for a different purpose.

*Continued Tomorrow ...*

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 3 - Enforce Biblical law!

*Continued from Yesterday*

The strategy of the coming Christian Based Republican Party is simple.

First, enact a permanent tax cut which will eliminate $6 trillion in revenue over the next 20 years. This will in effect starve the federal government so it will be unable to fund many liberal and essentially anti-Christian governmental functions instituted since the Communist-inspired New Deal.

Second, fill the liberal and secular federal judiciary with Christian advocates whose judicial philosophy will reverse the disastrous trends on civil rights, environmental protections, religious liberty, reproductive rights and privacy and so much more.

Third, mandate the teaching of Divine Creationism in all public and private schools and remove from all school curriculums the Secular Humanist false theories of Darwin and others.

Fourth, revise the Federal Constitution so that it better reflects Divine Will and strips away false secularism entirely.

A Constitution that conforms to Biblical Law will rely on the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament as its guiding source. Therefore, the Ten Commandments hold a special meaning. The New Christian lawmakers are going to pass legislation in various state legislatures that will mandate government posting of the Ten Commandments in all public buildings.

Rev. Joseph Morecraft is pastor of the Reconstructionist Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Marietta, Georgia and he states his belief in the persecution of nonbelievers and those who are insufficiently orthodox is crystal clear. Reverend Morecraft describes democracy as "mob rule," and states that the purpose of "civil government" is to "terrorize evil doers. . . to be an avenger!" and “To bring down the wrath of God to bear on all those who practice evil!"

"And how do you terrorize an evil doer?" he asks. "You enforce Biblical law!" The purpose of government is "to protect the church of Jesus Christ," and, "Nobody has the right to worship on this planet any other God than Jehovah. And therefore the state does not have the responsibility to defend anybody's pseudo-right to worship an idol!" "There is no such thing" as religious pluralism, he declared. Further, "There has never been such a condition in the history of mankind. There is no such place now. There never will be."

"When God brings Noah through the flood to a new earth, He re-establishes the Dominion Mandate but now delegates to man the responsibility for governing other men in order to protect human life. He does this by instituting capital punishment - the backbone of civil government." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Now let us begin with some realistic soul-searching. Let us define the purposes and directions of our ranks for, although we may see the same Enlightenment in different ways, in the end, we are all True Christians.

A definition of the True Christian membership:

The implementation of Biblical Law is central to the mission of building the Kingdom of God on earth. The way to get to Biblical Law is through politics. Therefore, God's law as manifested in the Bible should govern. References to the Ten Commandments are more than symbolic. It reflects a belief that the Bible, not the Constitution, represents the final legal authority.

1) The federal government should recede into the background through massive tax cuts. This concept, heartily embraced by President Bush, has more than one benefit. As money available for corrupting so-called “entitlements” dries up, there will not be funding for welfare leeches, birth control programs, support for the army of illegal aliens now flooding out country and the notorious Social Security give-aways.

2) Churches should be mandated to take over responsibility for welfare and education by Faith-based initiatives and school vouchers. By these means, True Christians can establish a firm control over the education of American youth. We can, and will, instill Christian Values in our youth and by this means insure a growing body of young Christians, ready, willing and able to assume leadership positions in a Christian United States.

3) Capitalism is the sole reason that America is now the greatest nation on earth and the Christian Community firmly believes that this engine of national success and power should be freed of current regulations that harmfully restrict America’s major corporations in achieving their maximum growth potential. We are therefore opposed to so-called “environmental” rules and regulations, restrictive and repressive work safety regulations, involvement by the Federal government in civil rights matters. We must first and foremost introduce and secure legislation to halt devastating personal injury lawsuits against Corporate America.

4) The U.S. Constitution should conform to Biblical Law.

The Constitution Restoration Act of 2004, introduced into both houses of Congress on February 11, 2004, includes the acknowledgment of God as the sovereign source of law by an official in his capacity of executing his office. This is another firm and ascending step in the establishment of a true Christian society in America.

Among the sponsors of the bill are Rep. Robert Aderholt AL, Rep. Michael Pence IN, Sen. Richard Shelby, AL,Sen. Zell Miller, GA, Sen. Sam Brownback, KS, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, SC.

The Promulgation of the Faith by our President

Bush has stated firmly and clearly that he believes God is involved in world events and that he and America have a “divinely guided mission.”

In the Bush White House, attendance at Bible study is strongly mandated and supervised. White House staff members are lovingly encouraged to attend these meetings, organized by Karl Rove and while attendance is not compulsory, staffers are reminded that a lack of interest in Christian Doctrine and Practice is important for continuing employment. Attendance is also requested of currently non-Christians and Mr. Rove has stated that anyone can become a Christian if he wishes; all it takes is the discovery of God’s Perfect Love through Christ.

With the help of evangelical speechwriter Michael Gerson, Bush fills his speeches with code words directed at Christian conservatives. In this year's State of the Union address, Bush mentioned the "wonder-working power" of the American people, an allusion to an evangelical Christian song whose lyrics cite the "power, wonder-working power, in the blood of the Lamb" -- i.e., Jesus.

George W. Bush, to his eternal glory, has brought forth many concepts that advance our Holy Cause. He has nominated many Christian judges who will give the law a, pro-Christian bent. He has put forward, school-prayer guidelines issued by the Department of Education, faith-based initiatives and his personal directives to virtually every federal agency, has wonderfully increased both the presence and the potency of religion in American government.

*Continued Tomorrow ...*

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 2 - Rule the world for God!

*Continued from Yesterday*

Herewith we present our Watchwords and our Credo to you for your guide and inspiration.

1.Rule the world for God!

2.Give the impression that you are there to work for the Republican party, not push an ideology.

3.Hide your strength.

4.Don't flaunt your Christianity.

Our Credo is:

Jesus Christ is Lord in all aspects of life, including civil government.

Jesus Christ is, therefore, the Ruler of Nations, and should be explicitly confessed as such in any constitutional documents. The civil ruler is to be a servant of God, he derives his authority from God and he is duty-bound to govern according to the expressed will of God.

The civil government of our nation, its laws, institutions, and practices must therefore be conformed to the principles of Biblical law as revealed in the Old and New Testaments.

In confronting Secular Humanists and Satanists, we must realize that it is vital to stress the following Proclaimed Truths:

1. The unique divine inspiration of all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as originally given, so that they are infallible and uniquely authoritative and free from error of any sort, in all matters with which they deal, scientific and historical as well as moral and theological.

2. Special creation of the existing space-time universe and all its basic systems and kinds of organisms in the six literal days of the creation week.

3. The full historicity and perspicuity of the biblical record of primeval history, including the literal existence of Adam and Eve as the progenitors of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine curse of the creation, and worldwide cataclysmic deluge and the origin of nations and languages at the Tower of Babel.

Brother Pat Robertson said in 1992,

"We soon as possible to see a majority of the Republican Party in the hands of pro-family Christians..."

Ralph Reed said in 2001,

"You're no longer throwing rocks at the building; you're in the building."

Once dismissed as a small regional movement, Christian conservatives have become a staple of politics nearly everywhere. Christian conservatives now hold a majority of seats in 36% of all Republican Party state committees (or 18 of 50 states), plus large minorities in 81% of the rest, double their strength from a decade before.

Active Christian Conservatives who are obedient to Almighty God and his Commandments in the United States Senate are:

Bill Frist, TN, Mitch McConnell, KY, Rick Santorum, PA, Bob Bennet, UT, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, TX, Jon Kyle, AZ, George Allen, VA, Richard Shelby, AL, Zell Miller, GA, Sam Brownback, KS, Sen. Lindsey Graham, SC

These True Christians deserve our heartfelt thanks and our continued support, both fiscal and personal.

The twin surges of Christians into GOP ranks in the early 1980s and early 1990s have begun to bear fruit, as naïve, idealistic recruits have transformed into highly proficient operatives and leaders, building organizations, winning leadership positions, fighting onto platform committees, and electing many of our own to public offices at all levels of American governance.

Christians need to take leadership positions. Since Republican Party officers control the membership and our legislative bodies, it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership positions whenever possible, God willing.

One of our brilliantly successful tactics in gaining control of Republican organizations is to tie up the meetings for hours until people left. Then we appointed ourselves leaders and make key decisions. Once we took over the local leadership throughout our target State, we can then control the state party apparatus. Once we have a target state under Christian control, we can then use the same tactics in other states until we build a solid Christian foundation that can control any election, state or national.

*Continued Tomorrow ...*

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

The New Christian Manifesto - Part 1 - God's Control of America

I found this article online and it send chills down my spine! Since I think that it is so inflammatory, I have included it below in it's entirety. I urge you to read it and know what they think is happening in this country today with religion!

It is very long so I am breaking it into sections and posting a new section every day.

God's Control of America

(From an internal Pentecostal website courtesy of TBRnews)

The New Christian Manifesto

To Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings!

It is with glowing pride that we contemplate the growing control and spiritual influence of True Christians in establishing strict control of the American political and educational realms. America was founded in 1620 by Religious Dissenters, True Christians, who fled from secular persecutions in England. They set up a religious community in Plymouth Bay and flourished greatly. But in subsequent years, America drifted away from her True Christian origins and became a nest of Secularism. Americans have turned away from the One True God to worship Mammon and materialism! Self-indulgence has replaced self-discipline and the cell phone has replaced Our Lord Jesus Christ in daily importance! But rejoice in your hearts because the True Disciples of Christ have organized to save America from Secular Humanism and hedonism and we are now at the very gates of the True Kingdom of Heaven on earth! The True Disciples have begun their Sacred Mission by gaining virtual control over the Republican Party in almost every state in the Union, have elected a President of our One True Faith, have filled the halls of Congress with Representatives of both the people and Christ the Lord! We are well on our way to reestablish the True Christian nation, under God Almighty, that was founded in 1620.

The Politics of God

Now, with the advent of a True Christian as a second-term President of the United States, we Christians stand closer now to establishing a truly Christian-based government in this country since 1620!

By faith and determination, we have placed many of our people into the ranks of the Republican Party; have organized local elections to put our members on vital school boards where they can, and have, successfully supplanted the false Darwinism with the Divinely Inspired Biblical Creationism. We have elected members to serve in Congress who are sensitive to our needs and wishes but we need far more in order to establish a firm majority.

Since 2001 dozens of True Christians, by Presidential order have been placed in key positions within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Drug Administration and on commissions and advisory committees where they have made serious progress. Three years later God-sent Bush Administration has established one of the most righteous sexual health agendas in the Western world.

As one example of the growing power of the Lord in American politics, the Texas Republican Party Platform for 2002, called for rescinding United States membership in the United Nations and removing the United Nations from US soil. Pat Robertson, in his book, “The Millennium”, depicts the United Nations as a Satanic plot to take control of the world. And in the LaHaye “Left Behind” books, we can see that the United Nations is firmly in the hands of the anti-Christ!

*Continued Tomorrow.*

Read More - : God's Control of America

Law Maker Corruption Abound!

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse.
*19 have been accused of writing bad checks.
*117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses.
*3 have done time for assault.
*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit.
*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges.
*8 have been arrested for shoplifting.
*21 are currently defendants in lawsuits.
*84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up?

It's the 535 members of the United States Congress!


Monday, March 21, 2005

The making of a Political "crap storm" with a vegetable

One of the people I despise more than any other (Delay) entered the fray of the Schiavo mess in, what I'm sure is an attempt to change the focus from his evil doings to things more disgusting.

GOP Talking Points employed from Weblog DC's Inside Scoop mention the following outrageous points:

* This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue.

* This is a great political issue, because Senator Nelson of Florida - has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats.

* This legislation ensures that individuals like Teri Schiavo are guaranteed the same legal protections as convicted murderers like Ted Bundy.

View the full entry here - DC's Inside Scoop: EXCLUSIVE: GOP's Schiavo Talking Points Revealed In Full

How much lying and hypocrisy can one nation stand? Quite a bit actually:

Hypocrisy Recap:

1) Republicans stand for limiting government control in our personal lives unless it conflicts with their agenda.
2) Bush tackled a very similar issue in 1999 as Texas Governor and (I am no lawyer and this recap is a very rough summary of one section of the law) enacted law designed to allow HMO's the kill their patient if they decided that there was no hope of recovery.

Tally = Hypocrisy Squared

Friday, March 18, 2005

New Photos - Chad's Birthday Party

New Photos - Chad's Birthday Party

Thursday, March 17, 2005 Experiences Denial of Service Attack

Apparently someone does not like what is doing because it looks like someone might have launched a denial of service attack on While they get things fixed, you can see the inaugural show temporarily mirroed here. Note that you can't use this link with a FireFox browser - sorry, but this is a temporary fix.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005




WASHINGTON, D.C. - Tomorrow, March 16, at 10 a.m. the House Judiciary Committee will vote on a House resolution which will direct the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to respond to remaining questions on Gannongate. The resolution was introduced by Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, and twenty-eight Members of the House of Representatives. The American public deserves the full truth as to who at the White House paved the way for Mr. Guckert to have repeated and staged access to the President.

WHAT: Full committee markup of Gannon Resolution of Inquiry (H. Res. 136)

WHO: House Judiciary Committee

WHEN: Wednesday, March 16th, 2005, 10 a.m.

WHERE: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

**Broadcast live on the Internet,

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Winning Hearts and Minds

Most Republicans are born that way. That is to say that they are born into Republican households and never change their party affiliation. Some do change, by usually only after their party does not align with their point of view on a personal issue over an extended period of time.

It is shocking to me that in the last Presidential election, almost one quarter of all GLBT registered voters chose George Bush. George Bush with all of his GLBT hate mongering and divisive civil liberty assaults was still able to carry almost one quarter of the GLBT voters.

Why? Does that quarter think it does not deserve freedom from persecution by the leaders of this country? Are they self loathing and yearning to be straight? Are they greedy and just in it for the personal profit? Do they think that by acting straight and/or being a Republican, they will become wealthy?

Since I am not one, I can only speculate, however John, a friend of mine, was all of the above and more when I first met him. He was born into a heavily religious Republican family and was dealing with being gay. He was an ardent Republican supporter and often defended their so-called beliefs with vehement fervor.

He certainly believed in idea of the party, and how the party used to be in the 70’s and 80’s. A more centrist republican party was what John thought he was supporting.

I think what finally severed his already waning loyalty to the Republican Party was when Carl Rove started using gay marriage as a wedge issue in 2004 Presidential election and an all out war between fanatical religious Republican conservatives and the GLBT advocacy groups such as HRC and Lambda Legal began.

Below is an email from John that I recently received.

From: John
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 9:33 AM
To: Clint

Subject: Winning Hearts and Minds

Like a lot of gay activists, I cringed at the same time I celebrated the ruling that gay people are not second class citizens in California - and therefore our marriage rights are protected by California constitution. The backlash to this ruling will be enormous. We can all do a little bit to help lessen the blow, though, by fostering an environment where bigotry is not tolerated.

That's right! We must win the "hearts and minds" of the "insurgents" that have been angered by the visibilty and increased protection of gay people.

I'm only asking you to all to do a little something as the news is brought up by your coworkers, friends, colleagues and church goers: stick up for us! You don't have to waive a rainbow flag or anything, just rebuff their attempts to drag you into a bigotry-filled conversations.

Here are some great noncommittal comebacks.

- "It's heterosexual divorces that are ruining marriage in America, not gays."
- "This country was founded on freedom from religious persecution. The fact that you want to persecute gays in anti-American."


- "What is 'traditional' marriage anyway? In caveman times they hit each other with clubs, does that mean we should go back to that?"
- "There are a lot of biblical scholars that believe Adam was a hermophrodite before there was Adam and Eve, much less Adam and Steve."

Don't forget to point out that gay marriage will help a lot of industries - travel, event planning, lawyers, healthcare, education - and married couples give lots more to charitable organizations than single people. Gay marriage is good for America!

Thanks for sticking up for me now - my future husband and children will thank you!


P.S. And as always, I'm sorry if this email annoys you - it annoys me that I have to fight for my equal rights.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Ski Weekend In Sante Fe

This weekend I am in the beautiful city of Sante Fe, New Mexico.

The View of Sante Fe From Our Accomodations

This weekend is primarily a ski weekend with friends.

Friday, March 11, 2005

It's Only Just Begun - What the FED thinks about Bushonomics

According to a Reuters news piece by Andrea Ricci, Alan Greenspan appears to finally be taking a stand on his opinion of the current US budget. In an almost uncharacteristic flare, Greenspan told reporters yesterday that "the nation's budget outlook gave him pause."

Has he only just realized what we have all been saying about the Bush economy and how ludicrous it looks? Let's summarize:

Bushonomics Plan Details:

1) Spend More (WAR)
2) Earn Less (TAX CUTS)
3) Put Everything on Credit (DEFICIT)

I'll admit it is a little oversimplified, but this is "W" we are talking about here and a little simplification might just give him the edge he needs to understand the whole money thing.

Yahoo! News - Greenspan Says Worried on Budget

Thursday, March 10, 2005 Upsets Sean Hannity and comes under fire.

Sean Hannity seemed to become quite upset yesterday when he viewed a promo ad run by on their website. In the ad a Hannity bobble-head is run over by a car and smashed to pieces.

You can see Hannity's response here.

John Aravosis from America Blog who stars in the premiere episode, state on his website Tuesday that "the site has been inaccessible all day, and its looking increasingly like our friends on the right have successfully (and illegally) shut the site down. Our boys are still investigating, and it's still possible that the site has been so wildly popular that is what caused the problem (such a problem to have!), but nonetheless, many of us think that after Sean Hannity complained about on his show last night, one of his deranged followers might have done something."

As of today the site was still inaccessible, however you can view the premiere episode here.

Delay caught accepting money from foreign agents!

The Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives on Gifts and Travel state that "a Member, officer or employee may not accept travel expenses from 'a registered lobbyist or agent of a foreign principal.' ", however since Tom Delay seems to think that he is above the law, I think he just assumed that this was another rule that did not apply to him.

In a Washington Post Article today, Tom Delay is accused of having taken a $106,921 three day trip to Korea with his wife, Christine; and two other Republican lawmakers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Ander Crenshaw, both Florida Republicans. That turns out to be $26,730.25 per person for the three day vacation to Korea paid for by a foreign principal, Chairman Seung Youn Kim of the Hanwha Group. The Hanwha Group is one of South Korea's top 10 holding companies.

The documents also show that arranging the lawmakers' trip is just one of numerous steps the lobbyists promised to take for Kim. Others included arranging a meeting with President Bush and lawmakers in Washington.

So first delay and then Bush, was this not the exact same issue that the Republicans got their knickers in a knot about with Clinton? Sounds familiar to me, oriental businessman given access to government officials for large sums of cash.

What is Delay’s excuse? The age old “I didn’t know that they were foreign principals, besides I got permission from an imaginary friend in the ethics committee who also didn’t know because they were not registered as foreign principals when I asked the Ethics Commission for permission.” – Not actual quote, re-enacted for effect.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

USA Next Sued for 25 Million Over Anti-Gay AD!

As I write this entry, John Aravosis is currently in court on this issue. I applaud the couple for taking this rabid group to court. Finally someone is fighting back against the rampant homophobia that runs unchecked in politics. These right wing nuts would be very upset if we used one of their pictures to promote GLBT tolerance and acceptance but have no qualms about using some anonymous gay wedding picture to whip up a media frenzy over gay marriage and the AARP opposing the Presidents social security plan.

As a side note, the group who created this ad is the same group involved in the "swiftboat veterans for truth".

John Aravosis of and Spokesman for Richard M. Raymen and Steven P. Hansen announced today on his website that his clients will be suing USANext a Right wing lobby group who used the couple's wedding picture without permission in a homophobic ad against the AARP.

The Press Release can be found here

A copy of the ad can be viewed online here

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Check it out: - DEMSTV.COM

How The President can and does get away with Murder

It has taken me some time and research energy to finally wrap my mind around this issue. The question is this, how is it that leaders in the past and this president in particular are able to get away with serious crimes to humanity with little or no immediate outcry if any at all? Theft, fraud, torture and even murder of hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of humans on this earth?

After the then presidential candidate clearly stole the election of a super-power, where were the riots? How about when with a very transparent lie, this new Commander in Chief sent thousands of young citizens to their death and sentenced tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians to death and occupation?

Using the Iraq war as an extreme example to highlight this issue, was I the only person in the world who could see through the thinly veiled excuses and cheap distracting spin trickery? Was I the only person who cared not just about our citizens, but all humans including the Iraqis?

Apparently I was a member of a very small group whose members, each with varying degrees of success, were able to ascertain the real truth and be very concerned by it. So what about the others?

Well there is anything but an easy answer to that question. I am not a cognitive scientist or any sort of specialist, however I believe that my overly simple hypothesis is a bit common sense coupled with some recent reading.

The human mind is a very interesting and quite unknown factor in how people behave. First of all, you may have noticed that it takes energy and effort to concentrate. Concentrating is the process of utilizing the services that the brain and mind have to offer to the cognitive thought process. Most humans are able to concentrate completely on one specific task at a time with little effort, however as we begin to muti-task our ability to perform each task becomes diminished and the energy and effort required to process multiple information sources increases.

Now think about your daily life. You are constantly assaulted with multiple pieces of information on multiple subjects each day. Each piece of information is shaped by the people disseminating this information. This shaping is call framing and/or spin if the source is shaping the message and bias if the intermediary such as a reporter or news outlet shapes the message.

In this day and age, the people in US politics are so adept at framing and/or spinning the message that they are able to alter your opinion on an issue without your knowledge. Since we are all very busy these days living our lives, and since we have news "spoon fed" to us everywhere we go, it is no wonder that we take the easy way out and just absorb the framed and spun news that trickles out of our biased media outlets.

More information on framing by George Lakoff is available here.

Now back to our example, the Iraq war. Why did so many people support this war? Was it the news that they were fed? Seven separate polls by The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) in 2003 and 2004, which included 9,611 respondents, and had a margin of error from 2 to 3.5 percent concluded that a majority of Americans held mistaken impressions about the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

Three of the most common mistaken impressions were that U.S. forces found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There was clear evidence that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein worked closely with the September 11 terrorists and that People in foreign countries generally either backed the U.S.-led war or were evenly split between supporting and opposing it.

Overall, 60 percent of Americans held at least one of those views in polls reported between January and September by the Program on International Policy Attitudes, based at the University of Maryland in College Park, and the polling firm, Knowledge Networks based in Menlo Park, California.

In fact, no weapons of mass destruction have been found in Iraq. U.S. intelligence has found no clear evidence that Saddam was working closely with al-Qaida or was involved in the September 11, 2001, attacks and Gallup polls found large majorities opposed to the war in most countries.

Analysis also points to the correlation between the news source and the misconceptions. 80 Percent of those who said they relied on Fox News and 71 percent of those who said they relied on CBS believed at least one of the three misconceptions. The comparable figures were 47 percent for those who said they relied most on newspapers and magazines and 23 percent for those who said they relied on PBS or National Public Radio.

Susan Moeller, a University of Maryland professor, said that much reporting had consisted of "stenographic coverage of government statements" with less attention to whether the government's statements were accurate.

Among those with one of the three misconceptions, 53 percent supported the war. Among those with two, 78 percent supported it. Among those with three, 86 percent backed it. By contrast, less than a quarter of those polled who had none of the misconceptions backed the war.

To review the study, go to

In conclusion, "stenographic coverage of government statements" or Framing coupled with different news organization bias led to inaccurate perceptions by the public and the steady march to war.

Question Everything or Blame Yourself When Things Go Wrong!

Monday, March 07, 2005

CBS News 60 Minutes | The D.A. And Tom DeLay | March 6, 2005 20:15:08

In a recent story on CBS News - 60 Minutes I was glad to see that the scandalous and sickening abuse of power by Tom DeLay The Republican House Majority Leader is finally heating up and the Republicans are a little worried.

I do not strongly detest him for the money he raised illegally from corporations during the 2002 state elections in Texas. I loath and despise him for his continued and blatant self satisfying, unethical and immoral actions which have propelled him to one of the highest leadership positions in Texas. I do not think that I would be lying to say that he would sell his mother down the river to get ahead. He thinks that he is a king, untouchable and high above all else.

I don't think anyone ever told him that this was a republic and his sole purpose as Texas Republican House Majority Leader is to serve the people! I think that this also appears to be an affliction that has befallen many of our leaders. Consider the old adage, "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely" an observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Allow me to illustrate my point:

On September 17, 1787 Benjamin Franklin emerged from the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia where a new country's Constitution was being shaped after a war for freedom. Elizabeth Powell, whose husband was mayor of Philadelphia, anxiously asked Franklin what kind of government this new country would have. A republic, madam, if you can keep it, replied the eminent statesman.

I feel as if we "the people" are loosing control of our leaders and our country and thus our republic is slowly shifting into unique form of fascism. If we define fascism as a political system that emphasizes nationalism, militarism, and totalitarian rule with an opposition to democracy and human rights where individuals are allowed to retain ownership of capital goods but are subject to centralized control, then are we not already there?

Let's see:

1) Emphasized Nationalism - Check
2) Militarism - Check (Iraq - PATRIOT Act)
3) Totalitarian Rule - Pending
4) Opposition to Human Rights - Check (Abu Gharib / Gay Rights)
5) Centralized Control - Pending

These and many other events should be "alert indicators" to the American people that we may have a problem, but they go almost unnoticed by Americans. If the citizens of this country do not have to sacrifice anything while we are at war killing thousands of innocent civilians on a lie, then why worry? If I can drive my "Hummer" down the road at 5 miles to the gallon (exaggeration) without long lines at the gas pump, then what's the problem?

As one self proclaimed Republican expressed to me in a recent heated discussion, "They have the oil and we need it! Since we are stronger than them, we can take it and we should. It's the law of nature, the strong survive and the weak do not." She reinforces my opinion that most of us (All Humans) will never be more than slightly intelligent animals.